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change name of snapshots

Post by mslimani »


I'm looking for a way to name the snapshots generated by replication "Consolidate Helper-0" by another name.
My problem is that Veeam 2 server, one for the backup and one for replication, enters in competition at the snapshots of the same name.
there exists a method to change the name of snapshots?

best regards,
Vitaliy S.
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Re: change name of snapshots

Post by Vitaliy S. »


"Consolidate Helper - 0" is the generic snapshot name created by VMware, not sure there is any method to change that. Veeam B&R creates its own snapshosts called "VEEAM BACKUP TEMPORARY SNAPSHOT", which cannot be renamed either.

In order not to have any job overlaps, I would recommend using post backup job script option to trigger replication/backup job on your second Veeam B&R server.

Thank you.
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Re: change name of snapshots

Post by mslimani »

it is not possible in the current architecture of my client. there are two server Veeam idenpendant. The first is local to the backup and the second is a datacenter for replication. I can not use this kind of script.
but thank you

best regards,
Vitaliy S.
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Re: change name of snapshots

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Why not? Do you have any connection link between two backup servers? If you have it, you can use PowerShell scripts to initiate a remote session to your second Veeam Backup server and trigger the job you need.
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Snapshot Naming during backup job

Post by rw_ga » 1 person likes this post


Is there a way to change the default name "VEEAM BACKUP TEMPORARY SNAPSHOT" to something like "Veeam Backup Snap (date/time)"?

I've had a failed job before that didn't remove the snapshot. Then the job tried to run again and it appeared to create a second snap. But I'm not sure the second snap is from the second job or not. Is there a way to change the name of the snapshots?

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Re: change name of snapshots

Post by Gostev »

Hi Ryan, our jobs definitely do remove any existing Veeam snapshots they see before attempting to create the new one. I know this for sure, because this logic also causes issues when attempting to process the same VM by different Veeam Backup servers (which are not aware of each other, unlike jobs under the same backup server). If you don't believe this happens in your case, please open a support case for investigation. Thanks!
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[MERGED] FeatureRequest/Suggestion: Useful temporary snapsho

Post by aaron@ARB » 2 people like this post

Veeam.. A suggestion. VEEAM TEMPORARY SNAPSHOT is not very descriptive as to what backup created it and when it was created. Something more useful would be (Like backup exec does)

I.E "VEEAM Snapshot Created by %Backup Name% @ %Creation time%.

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