Yet I do have a change request list.
1) Chain jobs within UI.
See below –
A) Job Success do job X
b) First retry do job x
c) last retry do job x
d) last fail do job X
This would also allow each VM to be placed in its own drive/folder. I have some VMs I don’t want stored with their backup VM. Restoring from tape would allow me to only restore the VM not and other VMs with it. I know I can do this with power scripts now, just that the UI would make it perfect. With this I could have each VM have its own job if I wanted. With each VM in its own folder I then know how much space each VM is taking up. Some VMs I want a month of backups some only a week. When I need to do a DR restore I have a order that VM's are to be restored depending on priorty. My DR tape restores takes over 6 hours but the VM's are writen in the right order to restore.
2) Allow each VM in a job to be stored by it self in its own drive / folder. With item one I don’t need this request.
3) write a log file in standard SQL format that I can just run the log from tape and update what ever Veeam server I am restoring the backup to. This way all the information about the backup goes with the backup. For each backup file you would have a sql log that went with it. When I click import backup, it would do what it does now and then run the sql log updating the Veeam database, I would have a complete import with the job information as well. This would make DR much easier if a job had a warning or error. Example. If a file got skipped I could take it for the day before or at least I would know it got skipped. Restoring files from a year before would be self contained. If I restore the SQL production Veeam database to the DR Veeam server then I lose the information that was on the DR Veeam server. If this is too hard then a utility that can combine two Veeam databases would also work.
I been doing a new DR plan all week and these are the things I have found with Veeam. If I am just missing some way of doing any of these things please let me know, I am still new to Veeam.
for my setup see
Highlights : Don't know our time to restore yet but it looks like it will take just a few minutes plus window boot times when tapes are not involved, 99% of the time we will not be using tapes. Tapes will only be used with data corruption and with the Veeam servers remove from AD and isolated, a virus should not be able to spread to them. My old DR procedures took a day or more to get going with 4 tech’s. Now one tech should be able to bring up the whole DR site and run the tests or bring live, while the rest of us sleep