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Config Backup UI display anomaly/bug?

Post by chrisr »

We have recently upgraded from v11 to VBR P20230718 and have noticed what appears to be a glitch in the console UI when looking at Configuration Backup.
We have this scheduled every day to go to a smb share defined as a repository under backup infrastructure, and have limited the access to this share to the account listed in the repository properties.

The backup happens ok and the file is generated in the repo, but the last successful backup date/time value in the config backup settings dialog isn't updated. We have done manual backups and these are also successful and not recorded as the last backup. We have changed the security on the repo to be the same as the account that the service run as, but this makes no difference - they are still successful and unrecorded.

This came to light while running the healthcheck util from github, as it reported the config backup last result as failed, even though recent files exist in the repo and they appear to be valid as they can be read by the config backup restore util.

Has anyone come across this before and/or aware of a fix/patch for this issue?
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Re: Config Backup UI display anomaly/bug?

Post by PetrM »


Looks like a technical issue, maybe something at the level of Veeam configuration database in which the mentioned date/time is supposed to be updated. Could you please contact our support team and share a support case ID with us?

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Re: Config Backup UI display anomaly/bug?

Post by chrisr » 1 person likes this post

Case #07018701
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