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Full Name: Felix Buenemann

Copy VBK to external disk

Post by Felix »

I'm currently running to backups jobs in veeam: One from Mon-Sat to internal RAID w/14 restore points on backup host and one on Sun to an encrypted hotswap drive w/1 restore point, for offsite storage.

Now the problem with this is, that if I need to restore data from sunday, I need to retrieve the hotswap drive (which is rotated weekly) from the remote site.

So if my understanding of Veeams backup structure correcty, could I instead just run to internal RAID Mon-Sun and then specify a post-backup job, that mounts the encrypted drive, copies over just the JOBNAME.vbk, skipping all the .vrb files?

I need to skip rollbacks, because of space limitation on the external drive.

- Felix
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Copy VBK to external disk

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hello Felix,

Yes, you got it right, as we are using synthetic way of backup, your VBK file will be the most recent state, so when the job is performed on sunday, the VBK file will be the restore point for sunday. You can use post-job script capability from Advanced job settings to automatically copy the VBK to your hard drive every Sunday. VBK file name is always the same and does not change, so you can create the command/script once and forever.

Thank you.
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Joined: Oct 30, 2009 2:43 am
Full Name: Felix Buenemann

Re: Copy VBK to external disk

Post by Felix »

thx, I'll get hold of some 1.5TB USB drives as soon as I can and will try that out.
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