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Deleting specific vm backups from disk(through the console)

Post by kaboomza »

Hi there, just a question:

If I wanted to delete a couple of specific vm backups from disk through the console, That won't be giving me back my storage immediately right. it will only happen after time as the backup chain continues on and it shrinks down the actual vib and vbk as things get merged correct?

Will I have to wait for the entire backup chain to go through its retention before I will regain the storage of what was deleted?
Egor Yakovlev
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Re: Deleting specific vm backups from disk(through the console)

Post by Egor Yakovlev »

Hi Jaques!

It all depends how exactly you want to do that.
- you can use "Delete from Disk" option on backup in GUI, then it is deleted immediately
- you can use "Retention" trick, like had "14 restore points" and changed to "7 restore points" on Job level, then you will need to wait for retention to hit said backup chain(after next backup execution).
- you can remove a specific VM from backup job, its data is still in the backup files and will get processed according to retention settings as well OR if you set "Removed deleted items data after..." option, it will follow that schedule and free disk space accordingly.
- last but not least, you could remove restore points manually from disk and mark them as removed in the GUI by using Removing Missing Restore Points. That will also free up space immediately. Use that option with high care and read how it works to understand circumstances, please.

Hope that helps!
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[MERGED] Deleting specific VM's from disk(through console)

Post by kaboomza »

Hi there I just wanted to confirm something.

If I open my console, drill down to my available backups on disk, expand a backup job and right click on a "specific" vm in that job with its restore points and I delete it from disk, will I regain that storage immediately and will only the restore points for that specific vm be removed?
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Re: Deleting specific VM's from disk(through console)

Post by DGrinev »


Egor did answer your question in detail.
Is there something you need to clarify?

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