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Full Name: Anders Lorensen

Direct SAN Access and Replication destination

Post by Anders »


I'm in the process of designing a replication solution with Veeam backup and replication. The solution will have 2 sites, a primary and a secondary, both with a Fiber channel connected HDS SAN with about 80 TB of data. There are 3 ESX 4.1i servers on both sites, connected to both HDS SAN's that run production VM's.

I want to do the replication with Direct SAN access, and that is simple to setup for the source SAN. But what about writing the VM to the destination SAN? Can Veeam do that with Direct SAN access as well, or does that traffic have to go through the VMWare host?

Vitaliy S.
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Re: Direct SAN Access and Replication destination

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hello Anders,

Direct SAN replication configuration is only possible for a source side (SAN), the traffic will have to go through a network stack after reaching Veeam backup console.

Thank you.
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