There seems to be a logic for that in the plugin, as can be told from the session.log file in the logs folder on the VBR server (C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\Plugin\Backup\Instancename\Servername\Session):
Code: Select all
[21.02.2023 13:59:13] <35> Info [LinuxBackupServerWorker] Command: plugin.SendEmailReport
[21.02.2023 13:59:13] <35> Info {(EDateTime) _currentTime=2023-02-21 14:01:20; (EDateTime) currentTimeUtc=2023-02-21 13:01:20; (EGuid) jobId={UID}; (EBoolean) pluginCommand=true; (EGuid) pluginManagerId={UID}; (EVcpArgs) proxyCacheCtx={EVcpArgs: 2 kvps}; (EGuid) proxySessionKey={UDI}; (EGuid) sessionId={UID}; }
[21.02.2023 13:59:13] <35> Info Manager Id: UID
[21.02.2023 13:59:13] <35> Info [DB] Generating xml report for sessions: [UID]
[21.02.2023 13:59:13] <35> Info [DB] Transforming xml report to html report
[21.02.2023 13:59:13] <35> Info [SessionReportMailer] Sending report safely