22.03.2016 09:38:05SuccessStarting data collection job...
22.03.2016 09:38:05SuccessJob successfully started.
22.03.2016 09:38:05SuccessRetrieving data from server.Mueller.intern...
22.03.2016 09:38:15ErrorData collection from server.Mueller.intern failed.
22.03.2016 09:38:15ErrorCannot insert the value NULL into column 'aux_data', table 'VeeamBackupReporting.dbo.C.Backup.Model.OIBs'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.
22.03.2016 09:38:15ErrorData collection job finished.
Please contact support for assistance with this and provide your case ID here, as requested when posting about technical issues. Otherwise the topic will be removed by moderators.
Fletcher, according to the OP's case details, some interaction with the database was required to address the issue. I believe you will be assisted by your support engineer, however, you can refer to the case # 01738705, if required. Thanks.