I meet quite a lot of problem for the protection(saving) (backup job) of my VM.
I have the following message :
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Creating snapshot VSSFreezer: -2147024894 Backup job failed. Cannot create a shadow copy of the volumes containing writer's data. Cannot prepare the [NTDS] data to a subsequent restore operation. Cannot process NTDS data. Cannot create a backup copy of the boot.ini file. Cannot copy file. Source file: [C:\boot.ini]. Target file: [C:\boot.ini.bak]. CopyFile() failed. Win32 error:Le fichier spécifié est introuvable. Code: 2 Backing up file "[Lun2-1] VeeamBackup/srv-cite-achat(vm-73)/srv-cite-achat.CITE-ACHAT.DOM-flat.vmdk" BackupDisk failed Client error: Ressources systÞme insuffisantes pour terminer le service demandÚ Failed to write data to the file [D:\Backup Veeam des VM\SRV-CITE-ACHAT Backup.vbk]. Server error: End of file
That works during one certain time(weather) but when the job is going to plant he(it) corrupts all the protections(savings) which were good before and I meet with a defective history.
Would you have an idea?
Thank you
I use the version 4.1.1 of veeam backup
Je rencontre pas mal de problème pour la sauvegarde (backup job) de mes VM.
J'ai le message suivant :
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Creating snapshot VSSFreezer: -2147024894 Backup job failed. Cannot create a shadow copy of the volumes containing writer's data. Cannot prepare the [NTDS] data to a subsequent restore operation. Cannot process NTDS data. Cannot create a backup copy of the boot.ini file. Cannot copy file. Source file: [C:\boot.ini]. Target file: [C:\boot.ini.bak]. CopyFile() failed. Win32 error:Le fichier spécifié est introuvable. Code: 2 Backing up file "[Lun2-1] VeeamBackup/srv-cite-achat(vm-73)/srv-cite-achat.CITE-ACHAT.DOM-flat.vmdk" BackupDisk failed Client error: Ressources systÞme insuffisantes pour terminer le service demandÚ Failed to write data to the file [D:\Backup Veeam des VM\SRV-CITE-ACHAT Backup.vbk]. Server error: End of file
Ça fonctionne pendant un certains temps mais une fois que le job va planter il corrompt toutes les sauvegardes qui étaient bonnes avant et je me retrouve avec un historique défectueux.
Auriez-vous une idée ?