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Full Name: Steve Philp

Error using Linux extract

Post by sphilp »

We're trying to recover our guests using the Linux extract utility, but running into an error:

Code: Select all

[root@nfs]# /root/extract -dir These\ VMs2013-09-07T072211.vbk
Declared number of bank pages (65560) is exceed limit (1024)
--tr:Failed to parse metadata stored in slot [4096]
--tr:Unable to load metadata snapshot. Slot: [4096].
--tr:Failed to load metastore
--tr:Failed to load metadata partition.
--tr:Failed to open storage for read access. Storage [These VMs2013-09-07T072211.vbk].
--tr:Failed to list items in the storage [These VMs2013-09-07T072211.vbk].
Has anyone run into this and have an idea how to resolve it? We've submitted a support case, but wondered if this is familiar to anyone.

We're using the extract utility found in C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication\ (also tried the same-named utility in the C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup Catalog directory, same error).
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Full Name: Steve Philp

Re: Error using Linux extract

Post by sphilp »

Interestingly, it appears that the extract errors happen ONLY for VBKs created by 7.0. Those created by 6.5 seem to restore as expected.

Looking like the extract utility didn't get updated for some sort of file format change that happened in 7.0?
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Error using Linux extract

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hi Steve,

Does the restore job work if you import backup files to the console and run a test restore? Can you please tell me your support case number, so I could forward all the info to the dev team?

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Re: Error using Linux extract

Post by Damon »

The ticket number is 00441003.
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Re: Error using Linux extract

Post by sphilp »

Yes, the restores are successful when I import the same VBK to the Veeam console and restore the guests from there.

Support is currently claiming that the VBKs are corrupt, but that doesn't appear to be the case. I would think that if the VBKs are corrupt, each of the 7 weekly full's would show different numeric values in their error messages. We're seeing all of them showing the same values, same error.

It appears that the Linux version of the extract utility didn't get updated for some change that occurred in 7.0.
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Re: Error using Linux extract

Post by tocallaghan »

Has there been any updates on this? I've just ran into the same problem using the linux extract util.

I can extract using the extract.exe, but using the linux extract shows this:

The specified number of stored banks (2976) does not match to supported limit (744).
--tr:Failed to enumerate metadata instances available on disk.
--tr:Failed to load metastore
--tr:Failed to load metadata partition.
--tr:Failed to open storage for read access. Storage: [Backup.vbk].
--tr:Failed to list items in the storage [Backup.vbk].

I'm hoping there has been some movement on this.

Vitaliy S.
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Re: Error using Linux extract

Post by Vitaliy S. » 1 person likes this post

According to the support ticket notes, there was an updated extract utility for Linux, so I would recommend contacting our technical team for further assistance. Thanks!
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