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ESXi Network Backups Failing - Failed to create NFC download

Post by kghammond »

We are getting a Series of NFC error messages on almost every VM that we try to backup via network backup on ESXi. We are running ESXi free edition 3.5 U3.

Each VM has a sequence similar to the below in the error message. We have tried backing up the VM's directly from the ESXi server and we have tried setting up the backup through our VC server. We get the same result either way. We have tried using the VMware tools quiescence and we have tried the VSS integration. We have enabled one of the two options but not both. Of the eight VM's we have tested this against, all were running when we tried to the backup. Most were Windows 2003 R2 SP2. One was runing Windows 2008. We had one Windows XP Pro VM. The Windows XP Pro VM worked correctly. All the others failed.

The error message is below:

Backing file "nfc://conn:,nfchost:host-64,stg:datastore-67@V-SUBVERSION/V-SUBVERSION-flat.vmdk"
Backup failed
Client error: File does not exist or locked. VMFS path: [[DAS-DEVVM2] V-SUBVERSION/V-SUBVERSION-flat.vmdk].
Please, try to download specified file using connection to the ESX server where the VM registered.
Failed to create NFC download stream. NFC path: [nfc://conn:,nfchost:host-64,stg:datastore-67@V-SUBVERSION/V-SUBVERSION-flat.vmdk].
Cannot backup file in the service console mode. File: [nfc://conn:,nfchost:host-64,stg:datastore-67@V-SUBVERSION/V-SUBVERSION-flat.vmdk]. VBK: [veeamfs:4:04960a52-c940-40e8-8ca5-9bc24619961b (vm-183)/V-SUBVERSION-flat.vmdk@G:\WTS-DEVM2\Level1-2\WTS-DEVVM2 Non-VSS Level 1&2.vbk]. RBK: [veeamfs:4:04960a52-c940-40e8-8ca5-9bc24619961b (vm-183)/V-SUBVERSION-flat.vmdk@].

Server error: End of file
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Re: ESXi Network Backups Failing - Failed to create NFC download

Post by Gostev »

Hello, we will need to see all logs to be able to investigate this - please open a case with our support and send us all logs from Help | Support Information.
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Re: ESXi Network Backups Failing - Failed to create NFC down

Post by Dwayneair »

Has there been any resolutions to this problem posted as of yet, I have almost the same issue.

I was able to copy the vmx file to desktop without issue and have discovered that my problem is isolated to only my two (older) ESXi Hosts (IBM x3650(s)). The newer one (IBM 3650m2) performs all backups fine. In fact if I move any of the servers to that hosts, the backup works fine. I moved all of my compliance servers to that host for now and am backing up only the servers on that host; until I can figure this out.
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Re: ESXi Network Backups Failing - Failed to create NFC down

Post by foggy »

Dwayne, you've bumped a really old thread... There are a number of other existing topics regarding this kind of errors (here is the most recent one), however, I recommend to contact our support team directly so they could look at your issue in the most effective way having full logs at their hands. Thanks.
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