After three attempts, I try running the backup again but it hung for so long so I stop the job which puts it in the status of "stopping". I followed the KB and stop all the services and end the processes which cleared the "stopping" status. Good that the snapshot hasn't started.
First attempt:
Code: Select all
Failed to prepare guest for hot backup. Error: VSSControl: -2147023446 Backup job failed. Discovery phase failed. Cannot enumerate volumes that should be added to the snapshot set. Cannot enumerate volumes that contain components specified by the processed writer. Writer name: [Microsoft Exchange Replica Writer], class ID: [{76fe1ac4-15f7-4bcd-987e-8e1acb462fb7}]. instance ID: [{60c57631-9443-4e08-8f00-e0b349e34aa9}]. Cannot obtain a volume mount point for the volume that contains the specified file. Fi
Error: VSSControl: -2147023446 Backup job failed. Discovery phase failed. Cannot enumerate volumes that should be added to the snapshot set. Cannot enumerate volumes that contain components specified by the processed writer. Writer name: [Microsoft Exchange Replica Writer], class ID: [{76fe1ac4-15f7-4bcd-987e-8e1acb462fb7}]. instance ID: [{60c57631-9443-4e08-8f00-e0b349e34aa9}]. Cannot obtain a volume mount point for the volume that contains the specified file. File path: [E:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exc
Code: Select all
Failed to prepare guest for hot backup. Error: Cannot start service. Machine: []. Service: [VeeamVssSupport]. Cannot start service. Win32 error:The dependency service or group failed to start. Code: 1068
Error: Cannot start service. Machine: []. Service: [VeeamVssSupport]. Cannot start service. Win32 error:The dependency service or group failed to start. Code: 1068
Code: Select all
Failed to prepare guest for hot backup. Error: Cannot start service. Machine: []. Service: [VeeamVssSupport]. Cannot start service. Win32 error:The dependency service or group failed to start. Code: 1068
Error: Cannot start service. Machine: []. Service: [VeeamVssSupport]. Cannot start service. Win32 error:The dependency service or group failed to start. Code: 1068