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Exchange Database Restore

Post by ferrus »

This may be a silly question, but I can't find any Veeam documentation anywhere, regarding Exchange database restores - only mailbox/item level restores.
Is this possible with Veeam? If so, which tool? (Exchange Explorer/SQL Explorer/FLR etc).

I'm sure I read that it was possible, but reviewing the documentation - I'm starting to doubt myself.
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Re: Exchange Database Restore

Post by veremin »

Isn't this something you're looking for? Thanks.
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Re: Exchange Database Restore

Post by foggy »

I believe the OP is talking about restoring the entire Exchange database file, which can be performed via FLR.
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Re: Exchange Database Restore

Post by ferrus »

Thanks foggy - that's what i meant.
Is there any special processes or instructions for the restore, or is it just a standard file restore - and handover to the Exchange admin?
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Re: Exchange Database Restore

Post by foggy »

Could you please elaborate on the scenario? I'm asking, since if you just restore a single .EDB file without the corresponding transaction logs, it might be in a "dirty shutdown" state and would require repair (using eseutil) to be further mounted to the live Exchange server.
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Re: Exchange Database Restore

Post by ferrus »

Not entirely sure.
Our Exchange Admin is in he final stages of checking our Veeam Exchange configuration, before migrating off the previous Exchange backup product.
So far it has ticked all the boxes (and of course, outperformed it with regard to speed 8) ), but this is one of the scenario's she's asked us about.

I've just spoken to her, and she acknowledges that it's a 'Last Resort' situation - but we have been close to that scenario, once previously.
The old backup product had the ability to restore an .edb to a new database, and check if it was in a dirty shutdown state.

Sorry - I haven't done Exchange for a few years, so don't really know what's involved. Just need to know that if the situation arises, we can recover Exchange databases from Veeam backups.
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Re: Exchange Database Restore

Post by foggy »

Got it. Anyway, you can do this type of restore and if you pick up the logs along with the DB from the same backup, you should be fine.
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[MERGED] Restoring 2013 Exchange Database

Post by mcp33 »


I am trying to write a procedure on how to restore a corrupted Exchange 2013 database, but there seems to be no or little information on this (Restoring a mailbox is really simple , Well done Veeam).

So lets say one of my database's get corrupted what are the steps to restore this back to a working database ?

1 Dismount the corrupted database
2 Stop replicated and remove the second database and logs (Remove-MailboxDatabase -Identity MailboxDatabase01)
3 rename or move the database/logs to another location
4 restore the database and logs to the original location (do I still need to use ESEUTIL?)
5 Once restored do I need to replay the logs so no email is missing ?

Thanks for any tips

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Re: Exchange Database Restore

Post by KOTOXJle6 »

I have same question. Cant find any information about full base restore. What if some day our exchange servers will have sudden power outage and after power on one base or more will be in "dirty shutdown state"? How can i restore entire database? mcp33 wrote right steps? Is it even possible?
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Re: Exchange Database Restore

Post by foggy »

The steps above should work. Eseutil and logs replay will not be required provided AAIP has correctly quiesced the database.
Andreas Neufert
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Re: Exchange Database Restore

Post by Andreas Neufert » 2 people like this post

Depending on the usecase you have the following options:
Option 1) Repair the database from the other DAG copies: ... errecovery
Option 2) Use Instant VM Recovery or Full VM restore to recover the whole server
Option 3a) Create a new mailbox database and create the user. User standard Microsoft documented way to recover the user data: ... erver-2019
Instant VM Recovery to a new name (without boot) and remounting the disk can potentially help to make the process much faster as you do not have to wait until the data was restored to the recovery database (and you do not need extra space).
Option 3b) Perform the same with the Veeam explorer. Create the new database and user mailboxes and user our Explorer for restore. It is the same approach as the Microsoft described way would be (Create database and mailboxes than recover data.
Option 4)

- Recover the database and logfiles from Veeam to an empty folder or different folders.
Instant VM Recovery to a new name (without boot) and remounting the disk can potentially help to make the process much faster as you do not have to wait until the data was restored to the recovery database (and you do not need extra space).

- Check if the database files are clean shutown state with

Code: Select all

eseutil /mh
If it isn´t run

Code: Select all

(see as well ... -recovery/)

- Creat the new mailbox database on the location where you want the database to run later:

Code: Select all

New-MailboxDatabase -Name <yournewdatabasename> -Server <ExchangeServerName> -EdbFilePath <DatabaseFilewithpath> -LogFolderPath <LogFilesFolderPath>
- Mark the database that it can be overwriten

Code: Select all

Set-MailboxDatabase <yournewdatabasename> -AllowFileRestore:$true
- Migrate the database files from the temporary location to the new DB location (rename .edb file if needed). Overwrite the newly created database. Wait until the data transfer finishes completely.

- Mount the database

Code: Select all

mount-database <yournewdatabasename>
- Update the configuration like this (double check with the Exchange Administrators that it perform the right steps for the situation)

Code: Select all

Get-Mailbox -Database <OriginalDatabaseName> |where {$_.ObjectClass -NotMatch ‘(SystemAttendantMailbox|ExOleDbSystemMailbox)’}| Move-Mailbox -ConfigurationOnly -TargetDatabase <yournewdatabasename>
Documentation can be found here: ... =exchg.80)

- Redeliver the messages in the email queue:

Code: Select all

Get-Queue <yourqueuename> | Retry-Queue -Resubmit $true.
- Wait some time until AD Replication finish to replicate the changes and you can access the mailboxes again.
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[MERGED] Exchange 2016 Best Practise Restore with Veeam

Post by RLO-ZH »

Hi all,

I'm new here in the forum. We run 4 Exchange Servers in the DAG network. The backup is set up and the single item restore works. Unfortunately Veeam and our implementation partner owe us some questions. Can you help us here? Now we have asked ourselves the question, what is the best and fastest way to restore a server, a database?

Can anyone provide a documentation or howto here?

Thank you in advance

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Re: Exchange 2016 Best Practise Restore with Veeam

Post by wishr »


Welcome to Veeam Community Forums and thanks for posting.

I'm merging your question to an existing discussion. Please take a look and let us know if you have any questions left.

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