Not sure if OP`s problem is resolved since
sunnyyeung doesn`t answer neither here or to support engineers, but I hope so.
For future readers, there were concomitant errors:
Code: Select all
11.08.2016 19:38:05] <31> Info [VssProxy] Pinging session: {3b61b61c-10c0-4109-b7d1-23ec11204b55}
Info VSSControl: KeepSnapshot started, ttl 1200 sec
Error Failed to call RPC function 'Vss.KeepSnapshot'. InParams: '<InputArguments><jobId value="5b2fbb66-99fc-46f1-b5bd-e4bafb061690" /><ttl value="1200" /><VssSessionId value="{3b61b61c-10c0-4109-b7d1-23ec11204b55}" /></InputArguments>'.
Error Error code: 0x800401fd
Error Failed to invoke func [KeepSnapshot]: Object is not connected to server. (System.ApplicationException)
Error at VeeamProxyClient.RegenerateCLRException(exception* excBase)
Error at VeeamProxyClient.CCliProxyRpcInvoker.DoRpc(String cmdName, String inXml, String& outXml)
Error at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRpcInvoker.Call(String methodName, CProxyInvokeInputArg inputArgs, Boolean secureCall)
Error Error code: 0x800401fd
Error Failed to invoke func [KeepSnapshot]: Object is not connected to server. (System.ApplicationException)
Error at VeeamProxyClient.RegenerateCLRException(exception* excBase)
Error at VeeamProxyClient.CCliProxyRpcInvoker.DoRpc(String cmdName, String inXml, String& outXml)
Error at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRpcInvoker.Call(String methodName, CProxyInvokeInputArg inputArgs, Boolean secureCall)
Error Error code: 0x800401fd (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppComponentException)
Error Failed to invoke func [KeepSnapshot]: Object is not connected to server. (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppComponentException)
Error at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRpcInvoker.Call(String methodName, CProxyInvokeInputArg inputArgs, Boolean secureCall)
Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CVssProxyInvoker.Invoke(String funcName, IVssProxyArg arg)
Error at Veeam.Backup.VssProvider.CVssControlRemote.KeepSnapshot(Guid jobId, UInt32 ttl)
Error at Veeam.Backup.VssProvider.CVssControl.KeepSnapshot(Guid jobId, UInt32 ttl)
Info [VssProxy] Pinging session: {3b61b61c-10c0-4109-b7d1-23ec11204b55}
meaning truncation is failing due to temporary disconnect to the guest during snapshot removal. As this could be caused by a few factors support recommended the following:
- Ensure that there are no stuck hotadded disks on the proxies being utilized as per (
- On those same proxies, ensure that automount is disabled so we aren't somehow leaving these behind or interfacing with them incorrectly. (
- Restart the proxies in question if they are not being utilized at one point today, so long as the above is checked.