After searching for several hours, I'm out of ideas how to fix my issue.
I explain first my case :
I have Veeam BCk&Rep v8 and FreeNAS9.3 stable
I want to create a Linux backup repository on Veeam with FreeNas.
I made all prerequisites steps to allow populate :
- install perl 5.20.6 from FreeBSD
- install sudo from FreeBSD
- create a nfs volume from FreeNAS
- create user veeam with root privileges ( ... 11869.html) from FreeBSD
- install all requires modules and dependencies from this user ( ... -centos-7/) from FreeBSD
Then tried populate from veeam but doesn't work.
When I look into logs, I have a PerlSoap error.
So I installed SOAP module then try again but still not work. So I installed p5-SOAP-Lite-1.14.txz and dependencies but still doesn't work.
Here my logs :
Code: Select all
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info [Ssh] Creating new connection [host: '', port: 22, user: 'veeam', elevation to root: 'yes', autoSudo: no, auth type: 'Password'.].
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info [Ssh] logon, host: '', port: 22, user: 'veeam', elevation to root: 'yes', autoSudo: no, auth type: 'Password'.
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info [Ssh] Server ( version string: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.6.1_hpn13v11 FreeBSD-20140420"
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info [Ssh] Ssh connection Used: 1
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info Starting perlSoap protocol to ""
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info Installing perlsoap library to /tmp/vee5f5e029a-b061-4d46-a466-6aa16b865db2
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info [Ssh] Execute failed('Failed to start PerlSoap protocol à Veeam.Backup.SSH.LibFactory.StartSoapProtocol()
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info à Veeam.Backup.SSH.CSshConnectionImpl.GetSoapProtocol(CSshConnection sshConnection)
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info à Veeam.Backup.SSH.CSshConnection.SoapFunction`1.Do(CSshConnectionImpl impl)
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info à Veeam.Backup.SSH.CSshConnection.Execute(ISshOperation op)
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info Error: Ambiguous output redirect.
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info , answer: Ã Veeam.Backup.SSH.LibFactory.Install()
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info à Veeam.Backup.SSH.LibFactory.StartSoapProtocol()'). Reloading...
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info Removing from cache. Reason: Removed
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Warning CacheItem [-2070038023:132] was not released 1 times
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info [Ssh] Disconnecting from
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info [Ssh] Creating new connection [host: '', port: 22, user: 'veeam', elevation to root: 'yes', autoSudo: no, auth type: 'Password'.].
[10.09.2015 09:54:46] <132> Info [Ssh] logon, host: '', port: 22, user: 'veeam', elevation to root: 'yes', autoSudo: no, auth type: 'Password'.
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Info [Ssh] Server ( version string: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.6.1_hpn13v11 FreeBSD-20140420"
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Info [Ssh] Ssh connection Used: 1
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error Ssh file commander operation has failed. (Veeam.Backup.Common.CRegeneratedTraceException)
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error à Veeam.Backup.Core.CSshFileCommInvoker.DoInvoke(CSshFileCommConnection reconnecter, Delegate dlg, Object[] args)
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error à Veeam.Backup.Core.CSshFileCommander.RunESXCommand(String command, String& text)
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error à Veeam.Backup.Core.CSshFileCommander.GetDrives()
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error à Veeam.Backup.Core.CServerStorage.GetRemoteLinuxDrives(CHost host)
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error à Veeam.Backup.Core.CServerStorage.Request()
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error à Veeam.Backup.Common.CBackgroundFunctionRunner.ThreadProc()
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error Une exception a été levée par la cible d'un appel. (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException)
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error à System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error à System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error à System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error à Veeam.Backup.Core.CSshFileCommInvoker.DoInvoke(CSshFileCommConnection reconnecter, Delegate dlg, Object[] args)
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error Failed to start PerlSoap protocol (System.Exception)
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error à Veeam.Backup.SSH.CSshConnection.Execute(ISshOperation op)
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error à Veeam.Backup.SSH.CSshConnection.ExecuteSoapCommand[T](Func`2 command)
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error à Veeam.Backup.EsxManager.ESXManager.RunCommand(CSshConnection connection, String command, String& text)
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error Error: Ambiguous output redirect.
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error , answer: (Veeam.Backup.SSH.PerlSoapException)
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error à Veeam.Backup.SSH.LibFactory.Install()
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <132> Error à Veeam.Backup.SSH.LibFactory.StartSoapProtocol()
[10.09.2015 09:54:47] <01> Error [Veeam Backup and Replication] An error has occurred. See logs for details.
[10.09.2015 09:54:48] <01> Error Ssh file commander operation has failed. Ã Veeam.Backup.Common.CBackgroundFunctionRunner.Run(Function function, Form splashForm, Int32 minShowTime)
[10.09.2015 09:54:48] <01> Error à Veeam.Backup.Common.CBackgroundFunctionRunner.Run(Function function, String message)
[10.09.2015 09:54:48] <01> Error à Veeam.Backup.UI.Repository.ServerStorageCtrl.Populate(CHost host)
[10.09.2015 09:54:48] <01> Error Failed to start PerlSoap protocol à Veeam.Backup.SSH.CSshConnection.Execute(ISshOperation op)
[10.09.2015 09:54:48] <01> Error à Veeam.Backup.SSH.CSshConnection.ExecuteSoapCommand[T](Func`2 command)
[10.09.2015 09:54:48] <01> Error à Veeam.Backup.EsxManager.ESXManager.RunCommand(CSshConnection connection, String command, String& text)
[10.09.2015 09:54:48] <01> Error Error: Ambiguous output redirect.
[10.09.2015 09:54:48] <01> Error , answer: Ã Veeam.Backup.SSH.LibFactory.Install()
[10.09.2015 09:54:48] <01> Error à Veeam.Backup.SSH.LibFactory.StartSoapProtocol()
I don't know where the problem come from, at veeam server side or freenas side.
Hope I gave enough details.
Your help will be really helpfull.
Thanks in advance.