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Feature Request : Ability to sort VMs in a job alphabetically

Post by pmichelli »

I would very much like to request this feature:

Sort the VMs inside a job alphabetically. I have to use the up and down buttons every time I add a VM to an existing job. Some of these jobs have over 100 machines in them and it becomes cumbersome. I can't be the only one who likes to have the VMs in a job listed in order ? It makes it easy to read the daily reports and to look for anomalies (VMs we forgot to add).

Many thanks
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Re: Feature Request : Ability to sort VMs in a job alphabetically

Post by Mildur »

Hello PMichelli

I understand why you wish an alphabetic order.
But the current virtual machine table is not just an view where one can sort all columns as required.
The table defines the VM backup order. Our job will start with work trough the list from top to bottom till every VM was protected.
And customers have their preferences on how this order must look like.

A customer may have chosen to process his file server with the name FILE01 as the first VM in the job. So this VM must be on the first line of this table.
Using alphabetically a default order will destroy this order.

If you need a list of all objects within a job, I recommend to use PowerShell to export a list. This list can be sorted with "sort-object".

Code: Select all

Get-VBRJob -Name "JobName" | Get-VBRJobObject | sort Name |format-table -Autosize
Or use our Veeam One report for unprotected workloads: ... ml?ver=120

Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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