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Daniel McCaul
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Full Name: Daniel McCaul

Feature Request - Archiving.

Post by Daniel McCaul »

Dear Team,

I've recently started working for a new company and noticed they didn't have a data archiving process in place. In the past I have worked with Enterprise Vault, and various other products, however these were for companies on a lot larger scale.

I decided to implement an archiving task utilizing Powershell and windows Scheduled task feature.

Whilst putting the documentation together I thought, "I wonder if Veeam had the option to define what files/folders are backed up depending on their attributes" such as Modified, accessed etc.. Unfortunately this isn't the case!

It would be so useful to have the following Feature;

Create a Backup Job specifically with Archiving in mind, personally I'd like to use the criteria "last accessed flag" say in the last 48 months, the job would backup any files/folders matching this criteria. Once the backup is complete it runs a job to purge the files/folders (Folders that are empty obviously).

Please feel free to discuss and advise.

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Re: Feature Request - Archiving.

Post by Shestakov »

Hello Danny and welcome to the community!
So you would like to backup files and folder which are not modified during a specific period of time? Or if particular files in VM are not modified for the period of time, the VM is to be backed up?
Daniel McCaul
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Full Name: Daniel McCaul

Re: Feature Request - Archiving.

Post by Daniel McCaul »

Hi There and thank you for the prompt reply.

Basically, for the task I had in mind we'd be targeting user data rather than the VM itself as there wouldn't be much point (to a degree). So if I'm doing a backup job and targeting the user data, in this case "Guest Files MS Windows" I'd like to be a little more granular;

Backup Job 1. Backup all data from "x/y/z" store, excluding anything that hasn't been accessed (you could include file attributes; Modified/Created) in 48 months.
Backup Job 2. Backup any data that has a last accessed flag older than 48 months and purge from source.

This will automate housekeeping for me, and give me an option as to where I want this redundant data to be stored. Obviously in line with data retention policies etc... At the minute I'm creating a process which is dependent on Powershell scripts running via Schedule task.

If you can suggest a more simplified way that would be appreciated, however I thought having this functionality within the backup and replication suit would be very useful.

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Re: Feature Request - Archiving.

Post by veremin »

Doesn't upcoming feature called Archive Tier sound like something you might be interested in? Thanks.
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