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Feature Request: B&R backup job ribbon iconography suggestions

Post by edison5000 »

In the B&R backup ribbon:

1. change greyed 'disable' job to a non-greyed - 'enable' -

When you click "disable job", it greys out, but still shows the text 'disable job'. Once the job is fully disabled, it should just switch to "Enable configuration", and eliminate the grey.

2. concurrent status info in the start/stop button ribbon area - If you click 'stop' or 'start' job in the ribbon for a particular policy, the buttons appear the same while the action occurs - even if the act of clicking them alters the status. That is, say you click the 'stop' a job button in the ribbon - if you highlight the job in your list of jobs, in the right pane of b&r, you can see the 'status' column showing that the job is "working" , "running", or "stopping". It would be very useful to see these statuses in the ribbon so you don't think that maybe you didn't already click the buttons. : )

3. Stop button should be greyed out if policy is stopped - currently, the 'stop' button is always available in ribbon - no matter if a policy is started or stopped, the 'stop' button always appears the same. If a policy is stopped, the 'stop' button should be greyed out.
Egor Yakovlev
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Re: Feature Request: B&R backup job ribbon iconography suggestions

Post by Egor Yakovlev »

Hi Edison.

Sounds good and will check the current behavior again.

Side notes:
1. "Disable" was initially created as a trigger with two positions. Enabled/Disabled "Disable" is you can call it so :)
2. Altering ribbon...hmm that's new. That way ribbon will "dance" switching from job to job making UI shimmer. I don't see it as much viable improvement and I am 100% sure we have double-hit on buttons handled with appropriate logic and UI behavior handing.
3. Agree, unless it was made so by design. Say, managed-by-agent policy is for workstations, and you never know when next laptop backup comes in. But yeah, if nothing is happening, there is nothing to Stop. Will check.

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Re: Feature Request: B&R backup job ribbon iconography suggestions

Post by edison5000 »

Thank you Egor. Understood. If it matters, our rig is super simple and brand new. Win Server 2022, most available patches current. Single B&R / Veeam One 11a server, and newest win agents, though I'm not sure that is relevant in this case.
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