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Feature Request - Export Backup

Post by MSweetman »

Hi Product Mgt,
Two issues which need addressing regarding Exporting Backups.
Firstly, when you export a backup, we know that it created a single backup (vbk) file however, it exports it to the same repository. We need to be able to export to another repository as, by way of example, if you export a backup which will be 8TBs for the full, while there is only 6TBs free on that repo, there is no way to export.

Secondly, when there is a request to export a backup for legal / ransomware tracking reasons, the actual export date is used for the folder name, not the date of the backup. In many cases there will be a number of backups exported. A few pre-event and a few post event. Example: Export backups for ServerX from 04-02-2022 thru to 11-02-2022. This results in 8 Backups
If all the backups are exported on the same day e.g 05-03-2022, there would be 8 backups listed in the Disks (VeeamZIP) or Disks (Imported) and all show as ServerX_2022-03-05.
The only way to determine the actual backup date is to look at the properties of each backup.

The exported backup should be named based on the backup date, not the exported date.backup. This is what investigators look for.

The is a case open for this - 05305446

Thank you...Mark
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Re: Feature Request - Export Backup

Post by HannesK »

yes, the export to different repository is a very frequent request. I keep your request here (instead of merging it to the existing thread) because of the second request.

Question: what about entering "ServerX" into the search field (in VBR console, in VeeamZip section) and check for the "creation time" value instead of using the file system? Changing the existing format is tricky... customers might use the current date format to do automation. So your request would break existing functionality.

Best regards,
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Re: Feature Request - Export Backup

Post by MSweetman »

Hi HannesK,

Thank you for the tip on Search and the use of Creation Time. Very useful...

Hmm... Creation Time vs Recovery Point... Seems to be two names for the same thing. Potentially confusing for the Novice??
In the Search results, it lists the Name (server and Job Name, Creation Time and Repo ) Any thoughts on being able to right click on the name and show the properties?
This would make it consistent with the viewing jobs under disk etc.

Thank you...Mark
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Re: Feature Request - Export Backup

Post by HannesK »

hmm, where can I find "Recovery Point"? I can only see the "Creation time" column (marked yellow in screenshot below)

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Re: Feature Request - Export Backup

Post by MSweetman »

Hi HannesK,
Without Search... it shows Restore Points (sorry my post said Recovery Points)
Under the Backups > Disk, Backups > Disk Copy etc...
Creation time is shown for the job and Restore Points column is shown. Note under Disk (VeeamZIP) the Restore Points is blank, same with Disk (Imported) - curious
Rightclick on server and Properties shown.
Now add the server to the search
The restore points column disappears....and so does the properties option...

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Re: Feature Request - Export Backup

Post by HannesK »

the restore points are always blank as long as the job is not expanded. Also in the disks section. Restore points are relevant per machine, so we show it per-machine only.

screenshot from "Disk" section

yes, properties are only relevant for the job level. on the machine level, we show the restore options context menu.

Best regard,
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