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Feature request -FLR Option to skip storing credentials

Post by tejko30 »


I hope this was not requested yet.

Would it be possible to allow user to enter credentials one time only during during FLR restore session instead of storing them into Credentials Manager?

While in some cases this is useful (to have credentials available for all admins) in some other cases it is not. Sometimes admins are using special credentials and we don't want them to be saved in credentials manager, therefore we need to remove them each time.

As a workaround we are are showing files in Explorer and then use something like \\destinationvmname\data\ and enter credentials there.

It would be much more convenient, if we could have both options inside Veeam FLR explorer. 1. store them into Credentials Manager and 2. one time entry only for that particular FLR session.

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Re: Feature request -FLR Option to skip storing credentials

Post by HannesK »

I heard the request a couple of times from my customers. So we count your request as +1

Just to make sure: you are talking about file level restore to a machine that was backed up without application aware processing? Many of my customers were okay with the workaround using Enterprise Manager instead of the console UI.

Could Enterprise Manager maybe be a workaround also for you?

Best regards,
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