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Full Name: Claus Pfleger

Feature Request: job view with exclusion possibility

Post by cpfleger »


the job filter view definition introduced in VBRv11 is great - but in terms of "Job name includes" selecting by keywords IMHO it lacks additional possibilities.

There is the "OR" selection already existing by using the semicolon (btw: kudos to the great people writing the world class documentation and those who supply the knowledge to them!!!) but additional logic to cover names where a specific term must not be existing (while maybe anotherone need to be there) etc. - so selectors like "XOR"/"NOT"/"NOR"/"NAND" - would be great.

Probably not THE killer feature, but it was always great getting liottle helpful features when VBR evolved over the time and releases.

Thx for reading (and hopefully realizing) - regards!
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Re: Feature Request: job view with exclusion possibility

Post by HannesK »

Hello Claus,
Thanks for the request. We have a couple for "AND" and we count yours +1 đź‘Ť

Yes, there are many ways to extend filtering... I like regular expressions for example.

By the way: would it be an option to rename the jobs in a way that the filtering you ask for could be avoided?

Best regards,

PS: I will forward your kudos to the tech writers team.
Last edited by HannesK on Feb 22, 2022 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Full Name: Claus Pfleger

Re: Feature Request: job view with exclusion possibility

Post by cpfleger »

Hello Hannes,

nice to read you!
Judging from the outcome you are right that renaming of jobs could do without further changes of the logic behind the views.

But many users (including myself) have already a naming convention in use and as following your recommendation does not reflect to the name of folders in the repository that may cause some confusion having now different names for the jobs and their backup folders.

But happy to see that at least pushes for "AND" are already counted, so maybe this feature might eventually be implemented in future.

Thx & take care!
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