Please supply sudo least privilege commands. At this time, I have this entry and it works perfectly, however still insecure:
Code: Select all
Cmnd_Alias VEEAM_FLR = /bin/uname, /usr/bin/scp, /bin/arch, /bin/mount, /bin/sh, /bin/rm, /tmp/*
svc-veeam-guest ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: VEEAM_FLR
2. Turn off !requiretty in SUDO configuration
If ssh -T is used to connect (as I believe the FLR is doing), the tty is disabled by default (the below is taken from the man page, and I've done this in practice many times)
Code: Select all
-T Disable pseudo-tty allocation.
Since the password is supplied on the Veeam application when doing the backup, and the same credentials are used for the restore, is it possible to feed this password back through the API during restore operations and use a password? With this method, we could require the password and maintain more security for FLR Other-OS restores.
4. Remove SUDO configuration
At this time, if you have the restore update the /etc/sudoes file with the required commands for the restore, that access is left after the restore is complete. This is very insecure, as this leaves access open for this user irregardless of restore status.
These requests are a result of support ticket 01732540.