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Full Name: Ayhan Dönmez

Feature Request - Proxy Improvements

Post by Ayhan-Co »

Hello All,
  • If proxy freeze or does not respond while backup job is in progress, backup jobs wait this proxy and does not continue. So there should be a timeout for this issues.
  • If restore jobs try to use a proxy which disk is full, restore job fail. And we can not see any issue about disk size of proxy in logs. If proxy is not suitable for a restore job, restore job should not choice this proxy.
  • The last one is not a issue. We want to group proxies. We have different cluster on same location & different customers on same clusters. We use proxy affinity & location, but proxy group feature make easy to manage.
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Re: Feature Request - Proxy Improvements

Post by PetrM »

Ayhan-Co wrote:So there should be a timeout for this issues.
Could you please raise a support request so that our engineers can analyze debug logs, confirm the issue and provide you with the corresponding registry value to control this timeout. I believe there are different values depending on the specific low-level operation which remains in pending state for long time in your particular case.

Ayhan-Co wrote:And we can not see any issue about disk size of proxy in logs.
Could you please elaborate what kind of logs are you talking about and how did you come to the conclusion that restore job is failed due to lack of free space on proxy disk?

Ayhan-Co wrote:proxy group feature make easy to manage.
This is a good idea, we can think about implementation in one of our future releases as long as we have enough similar requests for this functionality.

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Full Name: Ayhan Dönmez

Re: Feature Request - Proxy Improvements

Post by Ayhan-Co »

Hello Petr,

Thank you for your interest.
Could you please raise a support request so that our engineers can analyze debug logs, confirm the issue and provide you with the corresponding registry value to control this timeout. I believe there are different values depending on the specific low-level operation which remains in pending state for long time in your particular case.
Case number is #04392056. We closed it after we fixed freeze issue. But there are logs in this case which engineers can analyze.
Could you please elaborate what kind of logs are you talking about and how did you come to the conclusion that restore job is failed due to lack of free space on proxy disk?
Restore Job logs, Proxy & VBR logs. You can access them from #04347202. But the main problem is not logs, the main problem Veeam can choice unsuitable proxy.
This is a good idea, we can think about implementation in one of our future releases as long as we have enough similar requests for this functionality.
I am happy to see this. Petr, can you give more information about feature request procces. What happens after you take feature requests?

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Re: Feature Request - Proxy Improvements

Post by tdewin » 1 person likes this post

Don't want to self promote too much but if you are into scripting, here is a sample how you can achieve what you are trying to do with proxy groups: ... ackup.html
Veeam Software
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Re: Feature Request - Proxy Improvements

Post by PetrM » 1 person likes this post

Hi Ayhan,

Thanks for information provided! Usually, we add new features to our road map as long as we have enough requests, in other words the request is not taken yet but let's consider your last post as +1 vote for every proposed improvement.

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