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FEATURE REQUEST: VSPC "lite" options

Post by lookupandfearme »

Hey Veeam Team

We are a small MSP, we only offer rental licensing and production system deployment, management and maintenance. Some of our clients don't use the rental program, but we manage them the same way. As we will NOT be moving to host client data in the future, the existing options to use the VSPC solution is a little heavy just to manage licensing and alerting/management.

I understand that Veeam has no expectations to ever offer VSPC as a "service", instead it must be implemented by the partner direct.

We would REALLY love to see a lite version of the existing "3 server" solution, allowing us to have all the management components on one server. This would allow us to deploy in an isolated space at a drastically lower per month cost that hosting and maintaining what is currently required.
I would expect if this install option became available, that it would then exclude the ability to connect to and host client backup data and use some of the features of VSCP, without adding additional isolated servers etc as per the deployment guide published publicly.

To wrap this
We need a LITE version of VSPC that will allow us to manage and report on the VSP rental licenses, as well as manage/report on the jobs running on the connected Backup and Replication 11 servers.

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Re: FEATURE REQUEST: VSPC "lite" options

Post by Mildur »

Hi Jesse

Thanks for the request.
You can install Veeam Cloud Connect, Gateway Server and the Service Provider Console on the same machine, if you want to save money. In my opinion, from a security perspective it shouldn‘t be an issue to use an All-In-One server in an isolated network, if you don‘t host backup data of your clients.

Would that solution work for you?


If you are a VSPC, please add yourself to the private Cloud & Service Provider user group. That gets you access to our private sub-forum for the service products.
I will move your topic to the VSPC subforum tomorrow.
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Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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