1. Ability to schedule a backup and get a full backup each time! I know...I know.. data de-dup...etc, why not make a simple option to enable/disable or even just tweak the increment settings so it can be set to 0 instead of minimum of 1 on each job?
To currently do this, we have to create a new job for every VM each time we want a full backup. Not very efficient.
2/3. A "schedule job group". Instead of creating an individual job for each VM (because we want to take it to that level), we would like to create a "job group" and then add/select VMs to the group. That way each VM would have the same backup configs, settings, destination...etc, BUT also with the ability to say "group them in one big file" (which would probably be the default), or to select or unselect a check that allows us to not create one big file... so "create a new folder for each VM" or "maintain separate folders for each VM"...etc
We have nothing against data de-dup...in fact we want to use it, but just not at the top level..we want at least a full backup of each VM and then increments after, all within their own folders. For example 1 Folder = (Full Backup of VM + say 2 weeks of increments of that VM)
Currently, to do this, we have to create a Job for each VM.
I was a little caught off guard when I saw it didn't have these features....