I see that our moderators have cleaned up a few off-topic posts (including ones from our own support engineers). There is no need to start an argument and bickering here. Every instance of negative feedback on specific support cases should and will be reviewed by our support management.
I would like to remind everyone that we have now established a quick and easy way for customers to contact support management directly in case you believe you are not getting good service from your support engineer. To do that, open customer support portal at
http://vee.am/support and look for
Talk to a Manager button. Do keep in mind that until you tell them, they will simply not know there is a problem!
While support management does not monitor these forums, they are all subscribed to
Talk to a Manager distribution list, and they will react to your request immediately. So, if you want to share feedback on your support engineer (bad or good), or just want to share ideas on how would you like to see our service improved, kindly please do utilize this ability.
I would like to make it very clear that we do appreciate all the feedback (including negative), as it helps us to improve our support service and keep customer satisfaction rate on the highest level possible. In fact, based on the quick survey each customer receives when the support case is closed, the current satisfaction level is 93% (up from 89% from 1 year ago), which is extremely high for this industry.
Occasionally, some people may be upset with support - these things always happen, no matter of vendor. Sometimes concerns are valid, and other times - based on deeper investigation - not at all (such in case with the original poster on this thread). On the other hand, it is in human nature that very few people come here to post about their good experiences, but as soon as something bad happens, everyone rushes to forums to blame support. I am sure you will agree that this paints a bad picture of our support, which is however the opposite from reality based on feedback from those surveys (and we get a few hundred of those
For example - without calling any names - I've just looked up support statistics for just one person in this thread. In the past few months, he had created 8 support cases, all of which have been promptly resolved by our support. In fact, 2 of those 8 ended up with our support troubleshooting and finding the environmental issue with his VMware deployment (when they could have just redirect him to VMware support). He never filled up a quick survey for either of those 8 support cases (so, you would think he is generally quite happy). But then, the same person opens 9th case, feels that his support case is not being handled correctly, and immediately comes here to post negative feedback on our support in general, not even taking into account all the assistance he received before, with our support engineers clearly going an extra mile on more than one occasion to assist him. This is not really a fair way to treat our support, in my opinion.
Also, while many people (including myself) do like drama, let's try to keep these forums technical - clear of feedback that really should go elsewhere, and investigated by the appropriate managers. I am on the road for the past 3 weeks, with very little time to devote to the forum. When I finally found some time today, I had to spend nearly 3 hours reading this topic, communicating with the support team, performing my own investigations, and writing this post. Instead, I would be able to reply to 20-30 topics on technical product matters - but now, they would have to wait for the next 24 hours while I am airborne crossing 12 time zones. Please, help me help you.