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FLR mystery?

Post by karsten123 »


the following scenario:
Backup of VMs of a standalone Hyper-V (Server 2022) to a local repository onprem with a VBR server v11a latest on a remote site, different domain and connected through VPN. A backup copy job to a cloud repository via VCC is also configured.

FLR to the original location from the local repository works just as expected. Mount server in this case is the Hyper-V.

FLR from the cloud repository cannot connect to the VM (2012 R2). Mount server is the backup server.
But FLR from the cloud repository to the original location of a Server 2022 VM works just fine.Logs say that the connection is made via powershell direct.

Can somebody explain this?

Thx and regards
Veeam Software
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Re: FLR mystery?

Post by haslund »

Sounds like a likely firewall issue on the original location. Maybe check the firewall logs during FLR from Cloud Repository?
The reason PowerShell Direct works is because files are then restore by injecting them into the VM using Hyper-V and Integration Services (similar to VIX on vSphere).
Rasmus Haslund | Twitter: @haslund | Blog:
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