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Full Name: Stano Sedliak

Full backup file merge triggered randomly for backup copy job

Post by StanoSedliak »


before I will create a case I would like to ask you if someone know this behavior, if its normal or Im just missing some logic behind.

We have a backup copy job pointing to a SMB share. The setup of the job is:
1. Copy mode Immediate copy (mirroring)
2.Object to process is the primary backup job
3. Retention policy 14 days without GFS, health check on third thursday, defragment and compact full on first tuesday on every month

the problem is that for some jobs I can see under backup copy job that there is full triggered instead of incremental like this:
Copy_Backup01 (Full) 18.10.2023
Copy_Backup01 (Full) 17.10.2023
Copy_Backup01 (Incremental) 16.10.2023
Copy_Backup01 (Incremental) 15.10.2023
Copy_Backup01 (Incremental) 14.10.2023
Copy_Backup01 (Incremental) 13.10.2023

Inside the job than I can see:
17.10.2023 Full backup file merge completed successfully

I don't get it that this happened 2x in a row and why this is happened when its not the first tuesday of the month. Do someone know why this happened?

Thank you!
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Re: Full backup file merge triggered randomly for backup copy job

Post by HannesK »

that sounds wrong and I suggest to open a case. Please post the case number for reference.

Best regards,
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