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Full backup only

Post by sergeadam »

I'm switching from Unitrends and I need to know how to replicate this scenario.

I have a VM running FreePBX. Daily, it does an internal backup of the config files to a FTP server, the process is outside the Unitrends job. Once a week, I shut it down and perform a full backup of the entire VM. I'm trying to configure the weekly full in B&R 9.5 and I can't seem to find a way to only do a full backup.
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Re: Full backup only

Post by PTide »


What's the reason that you want to have only one full backup once a week? That's achievable, however it involves settings the number of restore points to 1, which is not a good practice. Another option would be to use VeeamZip. Also why do you shutdown the VM every time?

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Re: Full backup only

Post by sergeadam »

It's a PBX. It does not change a whole lot. It has the capability to back up it's internal settings while running. I do that and it goes to my File Server via FTP every day. I have never been able to do a full restore of a FreePBX VM that was being backed up live. It always really screws up the MySQL DB. Hence the shut down to do a full backup. If I really wanted to, I could shut it down every day and do a full every day, but the size of the VM and RTO does not warrant that. I have a full available is the entire VM really screws the pooch, and then I can quickly restore the previous night's config files.

I would prefer to keep a few copies of the full. Similarely, I want to do the same with my templates. Back them up once a week.

I find it hard to believe that the option to only do full backups of a VM does not exists.
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Re: Full backup only

Post by PTide »

It's a PBX <...> MySQL DB
I assume it's a Linux VM, isn't it?
It always really screws up the MySQL DB.
That can be solved with with pre-freeze / post-thaw scripts, check this blogpost for details.
If I really wanted to, I could shut it down every day and do a full every day, but the size of the VM and RTO does not warrant that. I have a full available is the entire VM really screws the pooch, and then I can quickly restore the previous night's config files.

I would prefer to keep a few copies of the full. Similarely, I want to do the same with my templates. Back them up once a week.
Why not to create incremental backups daily and a full backup on the weekend? Incrementals contain only changes that have happened since last backup so they won't take much space. The config file can be easily restored with FLR feature.

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Re: Full backup only

Post by sergeadam »

It is Linux.

The daily config backup is pretty much a SQL dump. It's not a single config file. It must be backed up and restored through the PBX's internal utility. I have that covered.

I suppose I could do a daily incremental and a weekly full, and never use the dailies. But it seems like such a waste to achieve a simple goal. Surely, I'm not the only one that needs to take regular fulls of some VMs?
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Re: Full backup only

Post by foggy »

You can restore the entire VM from any incremental restore point as well, just as from the full one. Anyway, if you're still want fulls only, select the desired day for the weekly active full at the Storage step of the job settings and schedule the job to be run on this day of the week only.
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