Veeam created a nice folder names such as
- Z:\VeeamBackups\ServerName01
- Z:\VeeamBackups\ServerName02
- Z:\VeeamBackups\ServerNameBCD
- Z:\VeeamBackups\ServerNameABZ
- Z:\VeeamBackups\ServerNameLast
I can set ServerName02 and ServerNameBCD to be backed up in the ServerName01 job, but the folder in the file system will still be D:\Backup\ServerName01.
Is there a way to group backup jobs together?
Rename the filesystem location where a specific job is backing up to (Rename Z:\VeeamBackups\ServerName01 to Z:\VeeamBackups\ServerName01-02-BCD) and move the backup from ServerName02 and ServerNameBCD to this new combined name directory?