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How customize veeam backup job schedule

Post by chriswong17 »

Dear All,

I have a technical issue, I want customize backup job for special tasks.
For example:
Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov backup to NAS A.
Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec backup to NAS B.

I try the Veaam B&R configure schedule, monthly full backup only, cannot set by monthly to daily backup.

How can I do? Need write script or other mothed??

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Re: How customize veeam backup job schedule

Post by david.domask »

Hi Chris,

Just to make sure I got it right, the goal here is that you want the job to automatically switch between which Repository (NAS A vs NAS B) based on the month?

I think the best and easiest way is just two jobs both backing up the same items and target the desired NAS devices and just enable/disable the desired/undesired job for the given month.

> cannot set by monthly to daily backup.

I'm not sure I quite understand this, can you explain what you're trying to achieve just a little more?
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
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Full Name: Chris Wong

Re: How customize veeam backup job schedule

Post by chriswong17 » 1 person likes this post

Dear David,

I found the solution, thanks.
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Re: How customize veeam backup job schedule

Post by coolsport00 »

Hi @chriswong17 - can you share what you did to customize your schedule? Just curious.

Shane Williford
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