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How does the data aging runs for a decommissioned virtual machine?

Post by Danh3 »

Hello Community,

How does the data aging runs for a decommissioned virtual machine?

A VM has been decommissioned, and this VM was included in the primary backup job (i.g job name : infra1) along with other servers.

The backup job (infra1) had 14 days retention/restore points.

After removing the vm from the backup job(infra1), my understanding is that the restore points for this specific VM (currently veeam shows this vm has 14 restore points - August 25th through to August 7th ) will continue to exist in the storage and remain available for restore unless they are manually deleted from backup repository, as there are no further backups of the server to meet the retention policy. am i right ?

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Joined: Nov 09, 2022 2:20 pm
Full Name: Dan

Re: How does the data aging runs for a decommissioned virtual machine?

Post by Danh3 »

i found the answer from this thread and i'm good now
veeam-backup-replication-f2/questions-o ... 85260.html

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