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How much working room does Veeam Agent need on source when backing up HANA

Post by unify_nathan »

I was a little surprised by this question from a client, and yes; he really means source, not target.

Then again, I've seen situations where that little bit of space that Windows VSS needs for its operations can be enough to tip a healthy-but-almost-full VM into a failure because the disk fills up. So I guess maybe the same ("keep at least 10 % of the disk available" rule) might alleviate a lot of the risk, but if I can come up with an "official" figure, so much the better.

The HANA test VMs are currently running databases < 10 GB in size and targeting an immutable repo with spare TB's of capacity so "enough" room is availalbe target side.

If there's a product description page that I missed, or if you have direct and relevant experience you'd like to share, I'm all ears.

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Re: How much working room does Veeam Agent need on source when backing up HANA

Post by HannesK »

with every server, one wants to have 10% free space. No matter, whether it's a database server like yours, or something else. I cannot imagine, that the HANA admin would fill up the system to 99% :-)

You can imagine the HANA plugin like a "pipe", that connects the server to the repository. All HANA backup data goes in the pipe and ends up on the repository. There is no snapshot involved. Data goes in and out the pipe. That's it. So there is no real requirement from the plugin side to have "a lot" free space. But yes, 10% free is always a good idea.

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Re: How much working room does Veeam Agent need on source when backing up HANA

Post by unify_nathan »

Thanks for confirming. I was pretty sure this was how it worked and appreciate the 'pipe' metaphor as a nice way to explain this. In defense of my client: no- I've seen from experience that he's not happy when anything important reaches so much as 85% full, letalone 90-99%. He just wanted to make sure that source-side requirements of the Veeam agent's operations were not going to create any such scenario.

Thanks again Hannes.

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Re: How much working room does Veeam Agent need on source when backing up HANA

Post by PetrM »


Just out of curiosity: are you going to use Veeam Agent for Linux or Veeam Plug-in for SAP HANA?

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