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Full Name: Chris Hand
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How to Create a ew Seed for Off-Site Backup

Post by TheHand »

I noticed there was no instructions over a year ago and created these for my organization in case I ever get hit by a bus. These instructions are for Tenant Side VBR on a local server offsite/copy to a Provider Side VBR Cloud Server. We use either a NAS for the Tenant Repo or an HP Microserver depending on the Tenant's needs. I hope someone finds this useful:

Version: VBR 9.5update2

TFMX-Creating a New Seed:
A. For Tenant Side initial seed creation
i. Preparation:
1. Plug External Drive into NAS or Microserver (Check the NAS_inventory.xls spreadsheet)
a. Verify drive is available and healthy
b. Make sure the drive is large enough to carry a full backup of the Tenant’s local backups Full backup located in their local repository
c. Create a Folder on the External Drive for the Seed to backup into using Tenant name. This name will be used in step 4.a.ii.5.a.1 using format “Tenant – Type – Provider”
ii. Veeam Backup and Replication
1. Click Backup Infrastructure tab on left
2. Click “Backup Repositories” on center left & “Add Repository” at top
a. Name:
i. “Tenant name” Seed Repo
b. Type and Server:
i. NAS:
1. Shared Folder, click next
2. Use the SMB share name and enter credentials for the NAS. If the account doesn’t exist yet, use “Add” and make sure to label NAS Admin in the description
ii. Microserver: NOTE- Using VSphere Client, add the USB Drive to the Sentinel VM prior to the next steps
1. Microsoft Windows Server, click next
2. Click “Populate” and select the External Drive
c. Repository:
i. Choose the folder on the external drive you are creating the seed in from step 4.a.i.1.c
ii. Limit maximum concurrent tasks should stay default at 4, unless using WAN, then test and monitor anyway
d. Mount Server:
i. Leave default
e. Review:
i. Verify all is correct
f. Apply
i. Choose to Finish.
g. Note:
i. For Veeam Agent, right click the newly made repository and click “Agent permissions”. In this menu set to allow all.
3. Click Backup and Replication tab on left:
4. Have a Backup Job running into the local repository
a. If you have multiple hosts with more than 4 VMs each, create a new Backup job per Host
5. Click “Backup Copy”
a. Job:
i. Name the Job (Tenant – Type – Provider)
ii. Set time and how often to copy
1. Time should come 30-60 minutes after last local backup completes for that Backup Job
b. Virtual Machines:
i. Add: From Jobs
1. Add all that apply
a. Agent will have one per installed Agent
b. VBR will usually have one per host
c. Target:
i. Select Seed Repo from step 4.a.ii.1
ii. Set restore points to keep to 14
d. Data Transfer:
i. Direct for most cases
ii. WAN for those with large amounts of VMs and size
e. Schedule:
i. Any Time: only if there are few users, great bandwidth, and high quality local network devices
f. Summary: Before finishing, check that all is set properly.
B. Seed Collection – from Tenant to Provider
i. Tenant Side: Collect after second local seed job completes
1. Check that backups have no errors and contents are up to date in drive
2. Disable Backup Copy Job
3. Eject External Drive
4. Tech will return the drive to Transformyx
ii. Provider Side:
1. Using either Windows Explorer or a trusted 3rd party software, transfer the entire folder from the External Drive to the Cloud Repository Drive Folder for the Tenant
a. As of 11/1/17: \\\Off-Site
2. In VBR in Sentinel01
a. Rescan Repository
iii. Tenant Side:
1. Rescan Cloud Repository
2. Right Click Backup Copy job
a. Click Edit
b. Click Target
c. Select Cloud Repo
d. Click Finish
3. Enable Backup Copy job

-Motorcycle therapy is the best therapy I know!
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