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How to force-remove a repository?

Post by James_B »

Good day,

I searched high and low and could not find a topic related to this so here we go: I would like to be able to force-remove a repository that no longer exists, and am running into trouble. I have a support case already started: Case #03646016.

The issue is that we had to move some storages hosting a few repos from one host to another, and then reattach them. This had to happen in one day..the same day we installed the new Veeam server, migrated the config, setup was a busy day. Due to last minute changes in the plan, the old host is still in use, just barely, and therefore the old repos were sort of left as-is while we were working on more important topics. Now I am trying to clean everything up and find I cannot remove one of my old repos, which makes sense because it targets a drive that no longer exists. As well as there are two old, disabled jobs that I also cannot delete as they have backup files (I presume still on the repo) that no longer exist. removing the host, even if it would work, is currently not possible due to another repo being on a remaining drive there. Migration of this repo is underway.

So I am looking for a way to force-remove the repo (and perhaps the jobs if necessary after the repo is gone) so I can move on to bigger things. As the issue of removing resources is quite tangled at times in B&R I thought I would post this here in case someone already has some tip on the removal (I assume it will have to be done in SQL directly) or runs into a similar issue in the future and can profit from my/your similar experiences. So, has anyone else run into this before?
Andreas Neufert
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Re: How to force-remove a repository?

Post by Andreas Neufert »

There is no way to "force" remove this repository.

You need to do the following:
1) Check the Config Backup that it do not use the Repository. Change it to another and create one config backup.
2) Check Home-Backups area for backups marked for the Repository => Delete them (metadata only is enough). As the storage is not available, just the references to it will be deleted.
3) Check VM Replication jobs that they do not use this Repository as Metadata (change it).
4) Delete the Backup Jobs that use this as target. Do the same for BCJ jobs. There is a second option if you have moved the backups then you can select the new repository instead of deleting the job.
Then you should be able to remove the Repository and then you can delete the Managed Server.
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Re: How to force-remove a repository?

Post by James_B »

Hello Andreas,

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately this does not work, at least in my case. The jobs in question are SAPHANA agent jobs which can usually be deleted via the B&R Console, but this does not work because it says I have to delete the backups first. The SAP jobs have long since been targeted to the new, proper repos. so there is no way to change this on the BackInt/SAPHANA side afaik. My SAP team colleagues only see the valid repo. Removing the backup files first(at least the metadata) is not possible because these backups do not show up at all under Home>Backups.

I see I did not specify the type of job above in my original post, sorry for that.
Andreas Neufert
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Re: How to force-remove a repository?

Post by Andreas Neufert »

This should work.
1) Move the SAP files to a place out of the Repository (just in case you need them unchanged again)
2) Copy them to the new Repository
3) Rescan repo... they will be placed in "imported"
4) Check that the Repository has the right that Agents work with it so that your SAP Plug-in can connect.
5) Select the new Repository in the Plug-in wizard
6) Create the new backup job by running the config wizard on the client with --map-backup option.
7) Check if backup works

Then go to the old repo and rescan. It should detect that the backups are gone. If not you can go and delete them (from Metadata) under Home-Backups-Disk
Then you should be able to delete the job.

As well you should double check that the configuration backup do not use the Repository that you later want to delete.
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