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Full Name: Clement ODOT

Interesting bug case about indexation feature

Post by codot »

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to share with all you lucky folks what I experienced today:

Having sized a little bit to short the C: drive on the VEEAM B&R VM (15 GBytes), I found out that one of the virtual machine I was backing up was in a failed state.

What happened is that the indexing repository is on the C: drive and the indexing job on this particular VM create a 200 MBytes folder for each indexing occuring. Turned out that there was no space left on the C: drive after 15 indexing/backup job (2,5 GBytes used), it has crashed the backup job right at the beginning (that's when indexing occurs) and the virtual disk of the VM being backup was never dismounted from the VEEAM B&R Virtual Machine, hence preventing the snapshots from being deleted !

Another side effect of this out-of-space thing on the C: drive has been that the IIS service was down and the Enterprise Manager couldn't be accessed.

Anyway, I've sized up the C: drive to 30 GBytes did the trick but I still wonder : are the indexing files for a specific VM deleted the same way the backup files are, based on the "backup points to keep on disk" property ?

Thank you.

Alexey D.

Re: Interesting bug case about indexation feature

Post by Alexey D. »

Hello Clement,

Thanks for describing the case. To prevent this from happening in future, I would recommend you to move index repository to another logical disk.
Even if that disk gets full that won't affect B&R/IIS/Windows itself.

Few words about how retention policy for index repository work:
If one has Enterprise license, the default setting is 36 months.
If one has Standard license, deletion of any backup point leads to removal of corresponding index.

Hope this helps!
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Full Name: Tom Sightler

Re: Interesting bug case about indexation feature

Post by tsightler »

Alexey D. wrote:If one has Enterprise license, the default setting is 36 months.
Whoa! 36 months?!? I might need 1TB of disk space just for indexes by that point. How do you adjust this? We only need 90 days or so and I had assumed once restore points were removed the indexes would also be gone.
Alexey D.

Re: Interesting bug case about indexation feature

Post by Alexey D. »

Tom, you can adjust this setting by navigating to Configuration > Catalog Settings in the Enterprise Manager web UI.
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