In our company we want to create a backup job, which turns a Synology NAS (DS1010+) on before the job and off after the job.
So we wrote a batch wich turns on the NAS before the job using wol.exe:
Code: Select all
"C:\Offline-Backup\wol.exe" MAC-ADDRESS
ping -n 301 > NUL
So we wrote a batch to turn off the NAS using plink.exe from PuTTY:
Code: Select all
cd "C:\Offline-Backup\PuTTY\"
plink.exe -ssh -pw MY-PASSWORD root@IP-ADDRESS shutdown -P 1
But if we start the batch as post-job script, the NAS doesn't turn off. The post-job script keeps runnung for 15 minutes and then times out. In the windows task manager it seems that the cmd window is still running and won't close automaticly.
What could cause the problem? Any suggestions?