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Lefthand SAN credentials

Post by tjohnsonlcsd »

Just recently upgraded from B&R 6.1 to 6.5 and I am trying to add my 2 Lefthand clusters. The Veeam B&R server is a physical box, multi-homed on the LAN and iSCI networks.

I attempt to add SAN infrastructure, I put in the VIP of 1 of my clusters and then the admin user and password I use to log into the CMC and I get an "user authentication failed" error. This is the same info I use when logging into the CMC from the same physical server that has B&R installed. No firewall, able to telnet to port 16022 on the VIP.

I do not have AD integration so is there some trick I am missing, I have tried also using the format VIP\admin and the password but I get the same error.

Am I missing something obvious?


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