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Licensed host Veeam 4 and ESXi

Post by Negro6 »

I have two servers ESXi and in a VM, I have installed the Veeam Backup server.
My problem is that I would add the host, but the tab licensed host me appears empty, where should appear 2 hosts I have.
Therefore, that when I try to backup, tells me I have no license.
The license that I have is evaluation.
Thank you.
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Licensed host Veeam 4 and ESXi

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hello Manuel,

It seems like you have ESXi free hosts, which are not supported, only paid versions of ESXi hosts can be involved in the backup/replication jobs. As for you see no hosts presented in the licensed hosts box, this happens because the license is only assigned to the host when the job is first performed, and if you cannot run the job due to ESXi free version the license won't assign.
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