Just getting started with Immutable storage and have two repositories set up.
During the weekend the service stopped on our Linux server and as a result B&R reported repository as offline.
Restarted the service manually with no errors and it ran for 3 days before stopping again.
We are currently running
Ubuntu Server 22.04.1 LTS
Syslog excerp
Aug 28 03:34:42 anet-bk13 veeamtransport[797]: The futex facility returned an unexpected error code.
Aug 28 03:34:42 anet-bk13 systemd[1]: veeamtransport.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
Aug 28 03:34:42 anet-bk13 veeamtransport[971]: Can't log to file
Aug 28 03:34:42 anet-bk13 veeamtransport[971]: POSIX: Received signal.
Aug 28 03:34:42 anet-bk13 veeamtransport[1028]: Can't log to file
Aug 28 03:34:42 anet-bk13 veeamtransport[1028]: POSIX: Received signal.
Aug 28 03:39:42 anet-bk13 systemd[1]: veeamtransport.service: State 'stop-sigterm' timed out. Killing.
Aug 28 03:39:42 anet-bk13 systemd[1]: veeamtransport.service: Killing process 971 (veeamtransport) with signal SIGKILL.
Aug 28 03:39:42 anet-bk13 systemd[1]: veeamtransport.service: Killing process 1028 (veeamimmureposv) with signal SIGKILL.
Aug 28 03:39:42 anet-bk13 systemd[1]: veeamtransport.service: Killing process 1031 (veeamimmureposv) with signal SIGKILL.
Aug 28 03:39:42 anet-bk13 systemd[1]: veeamtransport.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
Aug 28 03:39:42 anet-bk13 systemd[1]: veeamtransport.service: Consumed 20h 55min 47.572s CPU time.
We set up a cron-job that checks if the service is running and start it if needed.
Seems to have solved the issue, no more failed backups because of offline repository..
I have had this issue myself. Increase CPU count & RAM if possible (assume it's a VM) or decrease concurrent tasks. You will see errors on the actual console of the machine when it crashes.