We currently use a Linux server (ReadyNAS Pro) as a backup repository. Since the 6.5 upgrade the NAS has stopped responding (full hang) a couple of times - if I can log in fast enough before a forced restart I can see a lot of sshd processes running (2180 at current count). This NAS has no external access and apart from Veeam backup I am the only person with a root login.. Has anyone else experienced something similar?
Netstat output shows all the connections are from the Veeam Server
A bit more info - it appears that this is caused by the new monitoring in Veeam one 6.5 - as soon as I remove the Veeam Backup server from the Backup protection monitoring the number of SSH processes stops increasing, if I re-add the Veeam server the number of connections continues to increase... assuming the polling is every 2-3 minutes?
If I recall correctly Veeam ONE is asking Veeam B&R to update Veeam backup repository services health state and other information every 5 minutes or so. Can you please contact our support team to verify why the number of connections is increasing all the time?
I'm able to confirm this behavior in my lab as well. This actually appears to be a bug in B&R in that it doesn't appear to be closing connections properly.
Hi Alain, we were able to reproduce this behavior internally and our dev team has confirmed that this is a bug. Please keep the ticket open to be notified when the hotfix for B&R becomes available. Thanks!
I recently had the Linux server in my lab run out of memory due to thousands of SSHD sessions from this (it didn't crash, but became very slow with tons of swapped out memory). I was able to tell that the Veeam.Backup.WmiServer.exe process was holding the connections open so I implemented a simple "workaround" of my own. I scheduled a tasks via Windows that runs the following command once an hour:
The process will automatically respawn the next time Veeam ONE polls so it doesn't seem to cause any major issues. One minor issue that I did notice, I initially scheduled this task to run every hour at the top of the hour. Because the default Veeam collection was scheduled for 3:00AM, this collection failed because the Windows system would kill the process just as it was starting. I changed the Task Scheduler to run the taskkill job at 1/2 hour and so far I've found no other impact.
This is not an official workaround from support, but it seems to work for me so I just wanted to share it as a possible option until an actual hotfix/patch is produced to correct the issue.
Yesterday we also experienced a full hang of the Linux Backup repository. Also Veeam One is installed to monitor B&R.
We will implement the "workaround" and keep an eye on the to be released fix.