I'm setting up our first Linux based backup repository based on Apollo 4510 server (Veeam 10). Throughput is pretty good (~1,5 GB/s over LAN) but jobs have different kind of errors. Before I open a case I wanted to know if those problems are know issues with an easy workaround. This all seems to be related to load, as it happens only when multiple backups are running. But there is not much CPU load and no errors in the usual linux logs.
#1 at this time backup jobs were writing active fulls with 1,5GB/s over LAN to the server, CPU was 90% idle (52 cores). Nothing interesting in /var/log messages.
#2 Sometimes the extents are just gone. I don't see any warning in Linux, for the Linux server itself the device was present all time.[15.05.2021 15:19:27] <326> Error Failed to upload file D:\Veeam\Backup\VeeamAgent64 to /tmp/VeeamAgent0bc9a8bd-ebd8-44b8-a373-44510aefd89f
[15.05.2021 15:19:27] <326> Error Failed to find terminal prompt: timeout occurred (60 sec) (System.Exception)
backup: 15.05.2021 16:40:19 :: Error: DE-WOP-B01-E01-Test extent is offline.
copy: 15.05.2021 16:29:11 :: Error: Some extents storing required backup files are offline
#3 There seems to be a problem with password too sometimes (sudo), but as this is the same server, same job, just another task, it can't be a general problem with permissions.
#4 connection attempts are failing sometimes15.05.2021 15:37:34 :: Error: Permission denied (password).
#5 /tmp and Veeam user home are not cleaned up12.05.2021 16:50:37 :: Processing SDET2509 Error: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
4-7 GB are still in each of those directories, /tmp was only a 4GB partition at beginning but I had to expand it to 14GB to finish a job without errors. Shouldn't Veeam cleanup it's own mess?
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 62964808 May 12 16:45 VeeamAgent655b0e07-2e34-4899-8087-a76ed7a69971
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 xxxxxx xxxxx 62964808 May 12 16:51 79bfc3e6-a1bb-4f44-881c-1625b4f7509b