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Low Disk Space / Backup retention period

Post by jcwuerfl »

I was testing to see what happened when you get low on disk space, and it looks like it errors out THEN cleans up or goes through the # of restore points to keep on disk? Shouldn't it do that first really?

Is there a better description of these options:

Restore Points to keep on disk:
Deleted VMs retention period:

I would like some more information about how these numbers affect how many files are on disk. It looks like with a full backup and normal incrementals I can only set this to a min of :

Restore Points to keep on disk: 1
Deleted VMs retention period: 7

? - I wasn't finding any of that in the documentation?

Was looking to just keep one full vm backup, then the incrementals until the next weeks full backup on Saturday that I have scheduled.

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Re: Low Disk Space / Backup retention period

Post by Gostev »

Not very sure what are you saying in the first paragraph. But first, the job will start throwing warning well in advance when your backup repository is getting low on free space. If you ignore the warning, and there will be no free space to save the backup file, the job will start failing out. Retention (number of point) will not be processed because the job did not create the new restore point successfully.

Re: description of values, points to keep is actually described in the User Guide. You can also find plenty of existing discussion about retention policies and these parameters here on this very forum, just search for the exact names of these options as seen in UI.

Your description of desired retention policy is not very clear. How many restore points back you want to be able to restore at any given moment, is it 1 (just most recent backup) or 7 (from up to 7 days ago)? Basically, if it is 7, then you just put 7 in the number of restore points to keep. And so on.

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