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Joined: Sep 25, 2017 8:25 am
Full Name: Manuel Aigner

Manually Rebuild VMs List of Backup Job from VM Tags

Post by manuel.aigner » 1 person likes this post

Hi there,

Most of our Backupjobs are using VMTags for job assignment. Therefor we are in migration from Tivoli Storage Manger (TSM) to Veeam. There are some specialties and timing issues when we can migrate.
E.g.: MSSQL-Servers with Full Recovery DBs.

I only have a short time frame to migrate due to mandatory transactionlog backups. I must disable TSM and perform a initial backup in veeam to active the T-Log Backup via veeam for newly added VMs to backup job.
ATM I tag the new VMs in vsphere and start the whole backup job in Veeam. The new VMs will join the backup job automatically. It works...

But there are some disadvantages in this procedure.
1st: My backup retention becomes shorter and shorter for all existing VMs in job the more I perform a manual full-job backup.
2nd: The Backup job runs quite long during business hours and we must backup lots of VMs where we don't need any additional restore points.
3rd: Due to long runtime for big jobs, it takes a long time my newly added VMs must wait for 1st T-Log truncate. That could become problematically if log partitions could run out of space.

So there's my question:

Is there a manual possibility to update the VMList in a BackupJob thereby I can perform a quick-Backup for newly added VMs only?

It's ok for me to perform a .Net methode on job if possible.
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