This is a single organization, not any kind of rental / MSP setup.
We have many separate VBR servers backing up different sites.
They are all joined to a single Enterprise Manager and they're sharing a single large VUL-type license, with usage totalled/summarized globally.
(As described in sections 1.11 and 1.13 of
I just started to prepare for a migration of some sites to Postgres, however I ran into this nasty surprise: ... ml?ver=120 ... ml?ver=120All backup servers must be based on the same database engine as Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager (PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server).
This is quite problematic, as rebuilding all those VBR servers with Postgres is going to be a operation taking many months due to change management and it not being quite the top priority task.Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager collects data from backup servers with configuration databases that run on the same database engine as the Enterprise Manager configuration database. The database engine used by Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager and all of the Veeam Backup & Replication Servers managed by this Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager must match. To migrate the Enterprise Manager configuration database, see Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager Guide.
So for the transition duration - which may be as much as "most of the year 2024" - I either immediately cut-off all sites (upgrading VEM first) and gradually rejoin them, or gradually lose communication then finally re-join (upgrading VEM last).
Is there some kind of a guideline here?
Will we be fine if we manually ensure to remain in compliance in total across the environment, and provide logs from all the sites in case of an audit?