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Full Name: Larry Walker

move to new datastore, new Veeam server.

Post by larry »

I want to move some Veeam 4.1 replicas from one data store to a new one. What is the best way of doing this ? I am Upgrading to Veeam 5 in a couple of weeks, should I just wait to move replica’s ? I am installing Veeam 5 on new hardware, can I move the SQL express database and any configs needed ? I know I can just import backups can I do the same with replica's in ver 5 ? Thanks
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Re: move to new datastore, new Veeam server.

Post by Gostev »

Hi Larry,

You can move replicas with either version by just moving ALL replica files from one datastore to another (be sure to preserve hierarchy), and updating destination in the replication job settings. This is supported in both v4 and v5. Replica import, on the other hand, is not supported in either version.

You can move Veeam install from one server to another one before or after upgrade, it does not matter. All Veeam Backup configuration is stored in the SQL database. If you are using local SQL Express today, you would have to move SQL configuration database from old server to the new server. Would be much simpler if you used remote SQL ;)

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Re: move to new datastore, new Veeam server.

Post by larry »

thanks will try all
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Re: move to new datastore, new Veeam server.

Post by larry »

Just FYI i got a replica to move but not following your direction above, what I have been doing wrong is reading the message that Veeam displays when move the location, it says to unreg the vm move files the reg the vm which doesn't work. Just moveing the files and updating Veeam didnt work, VM with same name error. If I unreg the VM move the files, update veeam and "not" reg the vm it worked. I can now retieve a file for a month ago. Not sure if I read something wrong or not.
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