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Full Name: Adrien HERVE

Not transformed OIB was not found

Post by adrien.herve »

Hi guys,

Unfortunately I got an issue this night, an error occured during the full backup chain transformation (reason: Application is shutting down.).
Well, this is really weird but now the real problem is when I start a retry on the job.

The job failed at 0% with this error message "Previous full backup chain transformation failed Error: Not transformed OIB was not found.".

For production reason I really need to generate the synthetic full and the transformation this week-end, I open a case # 01091479 this morning but at this time I don't have any reply.
I can't even send logs, the job folder is really huge (11GB!).
I try to remap backup but the trick doesn't work.

Any ideas? Can you please help me?

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Full Name: Alan Bolte

Re: Not transformed OIB was not found

Post by alanbolte »

It looks like you have purchased Standard support. Normally, Support team would not even look at your case until Monday, because you have not purchased Premium support. It's not within my power to change that but I shall at least provide a few tips:

A logs folder for a single job would not typically grow that large unless either registry settings were changed, you have a very unusual job configuration (or at least a quite large number of VMs in one job), or something is wrong (for example, there were one or two logging bugs in older versions of the software). You should not need to provide the entire folder to support team; the logs export tool can grab only files from a particular time frame, though I suppose if you have individual files that are multi-GB you will have to work something out with Support team.

Error messages like this one typically indicate that some previous problem (producing a different error) has led to a partial transformation or some other kind of corruption of the backup chain. It is often difficult or impossible to completely resolve such a situation, and at the very least it would take time to investigate, which it sounds like you don't have. Your best option, then, would be to clear up enough disk space for a new full backup (whether synthetic without transform, or active), either by deleting old backups, or moving them to another storage device. I would recommend moving rather than deleting, as without Support's guidance it will be difficult to do that safely.
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Full Name: Adrien HERVE

Re: Not transformed OIB was not found

Post by adrien.herve »

Hi Alan,

Thank you for your reply.
We made the same analysis and we have recreated a new backup chain (we have enough space to keep the old one).
I've closed the case # 01091479 and I will open a new one, focused on the root cause of this problem.

Update: a new case is created # 01091782 for the first issue (Previous full backup chain transformation failed Error: Application is shutting down.), I'll keep you in touch.

Thank you and have a nice day,
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