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Number of restore points to keep on disk

Post by chrisknight »

I am using Veeam 5.0.1. I have two backup jobs and one replication job. Each job backs up all VM's each time. On the backup jobs going to NAS, I have the restore points set to 19, it works fine.

When I was on Veeam 4.0 I had once set the number of restore points to keep on the replication job to 0. It just kept stacking them up like the value was set to unlimited.

Now that I am on 5.0.1, what will happen on the replication job if I set the number of restore points to keep to 0? The issue is that I don't have enough space on the iSCSI box to store 2 replication points. I'm assuming that number of restore points to keep means 1 additional if set to 1.
We have 2 of the exact same 2TB iSCSI boxes, one with all of the VM's running on it, and the other is just there to store the replication jobs (as original VM's)

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Re: Number of restore points to keep on disk

Post by ThomasMc »

I wouldn't set it to 0 as this normally means unlimited as per your observation in the older Veeam, I would also think that 1 means only 1 restore point should be stored not 2 similar to how when I select 14, I end up with 14
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Re: Number of restore points to keep on disk

Post by foggy »

Correct, "1" in this case means that you will have the only point to restore from.
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