Most of the time everything works fine. However, once in a while, the space used on my ReFS Repo volume will suddenly jump very high.
No backup jobs are occurring when this happens and the server is only running as a VBR backup server. If I browse ReFS logs from Event Viewer via "Applications and Services Logs" -> "Microsoft" -> "Windows" -> "ReFS" -> "Operational" I see some interesting events.
I'll receive an ReFS Informational message Event ID 142, at 10:53am for instance, containing the following:
Code: Select all
Summary of disk space usage, since last event:
Available clusters: 5389072 (328.93 GB)
Reserved clusters: 33876 (2.07 GB)
Metadata clusters: 30836 (1.89 GB)
Used clusters: 2801904 (171.02 GB)
Volume size: 499.94 GB
Bytes per cluster: 65536
Volume correlation ID: {a1804b5a-c0c4-4803-bd78-782caa2c06cd}
Volume name: V:
Device name: \Device\HarddiskVolume6
Space ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Elapsed seconds: 3644
- IO type: Close
- IO type: Cleanup
- IO type: Open volume for DASD
- IO type: Open file
Code: Select all
Summary of disk space usage, since last event:
Available clusters: 182325 (11.13 GB)
Reserved clusters: 33884 (2.07 GB)
Metadata clusters: 30479 (1.87 GB)
Used clusters: 8008651 (488.81 GB)
Volume size: 499.94 GB
Bytes per cluster: 65536
Volume correlation ID: {a1804b5a-c0c4-4803-bd78-782caa2c06cd}
Volume name: V:
Device name: \Device\HarddiskVolume6
Space ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Elapsed seconds: 3644
Perhaps notably, in the "System" Log, at 11:10am:
Code: Select all
The Optimize drives service entered the running state.
Code: Select all
The storage optimizer successfully completed defragmentation on Veeam (V:)
Code: Select all
The storage optimizer successfully completed slab consolidation on Veeam (V:)