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OS to run Veeam on

Post by theflakes »

We will be backing up to SMB CIFS shares on a Windows 2008 storage server. What would be the suggested OS to run the Veeam VA on for this; 2008 server due to SMB 2.0? Right now I'm using 2003 R2 for the Veeam VA.

I would also like to install Veeam on the 2008 storage server just to back up the Veeam VA. I see that Veeam is not supported on 2008 Storage Server. Will it run on 2008 SS and is just not supported or are there known issues?

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Re: OS to run Veeam on

Post by Gostev »

Veeam will not work on Windows 2008 Storage Server, there are actual issues. As for the Windows OS version does not matter that much, we have not seen measurable differences with SMB performance. Thanks!
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